Results of The Competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2024
The results of the 12th annual of The Competition for the Best Dissertations defended in 2024:
Category 1: Economics and Finance
- 1st - Jiří Branžovský
- 2nd - Jakub Kubiczek
- 3rd - Magdalena Dominiczewska
Category 2: Raw Materials, Energy and Environment
- 1st - Weronika Janik
- 2nd - Anita Parzentna-Gabor
- 3rd - Jan Výtisk
Category 3: Health and Applications in Healthcare
- 1st - Aleksandra Mikulíková
- 2nd - Katarzyna Niesyto
- 3rd - Kamila Žondra Revendová
Category 4: Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- 1st - Monika Nycz
- 2nd - Łukasz Dróżdż
- 3rd - Michal Mrena
Category 5: Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
- 1st - Veronika Obertová
- 2nd - Grzegorz Stando
- 3rd - Martina Sýkorová
Complete results of the competition - PDF
The Competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2024
VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava announced (in the framework consortium PROGRES 3) „The Competition for the best doctoral dissertations defended in 2024".
- Economics, Finance and Management
- Raw Materials, Energy and the Environment
- Health and Applications in Healthcare
- Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
The competition will take place in two rounds.
- Registered dissertation must be defended in the period from 1. 1. 2024 to 31. 12. 2024.
- Must be submitted:
- Application form - signed (scan)
- An electronic version of the dissertation (format .pdf, or .docx)
- An electronic version of the summary of the dissertation in English language (format .pdf, or .docx)
Prizes and awards
- Each of the category winners, whose work is placed on 1st place in category will receive a cash prize of 7.000, - CZK and diploma. These winners will also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB-TU Ostrava, which will be held on 26. 3. 2025
- The authors of dissertations on the 2nd or 3rd place in the category will receive a diploma
- Authors whose dissertation participate in the second round but not placed will receive a certificate for participating their dissertation in the final round of the competition.
The application form, the dissertation and its summary must be sent to competition administrator email: up to 20. 2. 2025 (including).
University administrators will announce the administrator of the competition () the names and contacts of committee members for the second round up to 20. 2. 2025. In the individual categories, each university may have one representative with respect to the specific specialization the university.
The administrator of the competition:
Ing. Lukáš Kubáč
Management of science and research (9320)
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2024 (EN)
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2024 (CZ)
- Application form of Competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2024 (EN)
- Application form of Competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2024 (CZ)
Results of The Competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2023
The results of the 11th annual of The Competition for the Best Dissertations defended in 2023:
Category 1: Economics and Finance
- 1st - David Neděla
- 2nd - Agnieszka Majorek-Gdula
- 3rd - Rijad Trumić
Category 2: Raw Materials, Energy and Environment
- 1st - Oliwia Metryka
- 2nd - Bartłomiej Rutczyk
- 3rd - Kateřina Stejskalová
Category 3: Health and Applications in Healthcare
- 1st - Joanna Tobiasz
- 2nd - Anna Skorupa
- 3rd - Justyna Mika
Category 4: Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- 1st - Radek Halfar
- 2nd - Maciej Klimas
- 3rd - Ivana Králiková
Category 5: Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
- 1st - Oktawian Bialas
- 2nd - Adam Skowronek
- 3rd - Katarzyna Młynarek-Żak
Complete results of the competition - PDF
The Competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2023
VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava announced (in the framework consortium PROGRES 3) „The Competition for the best doctoral dissertations defended in 2023".
- Economics, Finance and Management
- Raw Materials, Energy and the Environment
- Health and Applications in Healthcare
- Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
The competition will take place in two rounds.
- Registered dissertation must be defended in the period from 1. 1. 2023 to 31. 12. 2023.
- Must be submitted:
- Application form - signed (scan)
- An electronic version of the dissertation (format .pdf, or .docx)
- An electronic version of the summary of the dissertation in English language (format .pdf, or .docx)
Prizes and awards
- Each of the category winners, whose work is placed on 1st place in category will receive a cash prize of 7.000, - CZK and diploma. These winners will also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB-TU Ostrava, which will be held on 21. 3. 2024
- The authors of dissertations on the 2nd or 3rd place in the category will receive a diploma
- Authors whose dissertation participate in the second round but not placed will receive a certificate for participating their dissertation in the final round of the competition.
The application form, the dissertation and its summary must be sent to competition administrator email: up to 29. 2. 2024 (including).
University administrators will announce the administrator of the competition () the names and contacts of committee members for the second round up to 29. 2. 2024. In the individual categories, each university may have one representative with respect to the specific specialization the university.
The administrator of the competition:
Ing. Lukáš Kubáč
Management of science and research (9320)
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2023 (EN)
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2023 (CZ)
- Application form of Competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2023 (EN)
- Application form of Competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2023 (CZ)
Results of The Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2021-2022
The results of the 10th annual of The Competition for the Best Dissertation defended in 2021-2022:
Category 1: Economics and Finance
- 1st - Anlan Wang
- 2nd - Krzysztof Podgórski
- 3rd - Radka Kubalová
Category 2: Raw Materials, Energy and Environment
- 1st - Damian Kurzydym
- 2nd - Jakub Bodys
- 3rd - Michał Stebel & Radek Papesch
Category 3: Health and Applications in Healthcare
- 1st - Michal Labuda
- 2nd - Przemysław Kurtyka
- 3rd - Marta Sobkowiak
Category 4: Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- 1st - Vojtěch Molek
- 2nd - Věroslav Holuša
- 3rd - Róberta Vršková
Category 5: Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
- 1st - Weronika Smok
- 2nd - Denisa Medvecká
- 3rd - Ivan Antoniuk
Complete results of the competition - PDF
The Competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2021-2022
VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava announced (in the framework consortium PROGRES 3) „The Competition for the best doctoral dissertations defended in 2021-2022".
- Economics, Finance and Management
- Raw Materials, Energy and the Environment
- Health and Applications in Healthcare
- Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
The competition will take place in two rounds.
- Registered dissertation must be defended in the period from 1. 1. 2021 to 31. 12. 2022.
- Must be submitted:
- Application form - signed (scan)
- An electronic version of the dissertation (format .pdf, or .docx)
- An electronic version of the summary of the dissertation in English language (format .pdf, or .docx)
Prizes and awards
- Each of the category winners, whose work is placed on 1st place in category will receive a cash prize of 7.000, - CZK and diploma. These winners will also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB-TU Ostrava, which will be held on 23. 3. 2023
- The authors of dissertations on the 2nd or 3rd place in the category will receive a diploma
- Authors whose dissertation participate in the second round but not placed will receive a certificate for participating their dissertation in the final round of the competition.
The application form, the dissertation and its summary must be sent to competition administrator email: up to 6. 3. 2023 (including).
University administrators will announce the administrator of the competition () the names and contacts of committee members for the second round up to 6. 3. 2023. In the individual categories, each university may have one representative with respect to the specific specialization the university.
The administrator of the competition:
Ing. Lukáš Kubáč
Management of science and research (9320)
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2021-2022 (EN)
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2021-2022 (CZ)
- Application form of Competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2021-2022 (EN)
- Application form of Competition for the Best Dissertations Defended in 2021-2022 (CZ)
Results of The Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2020
The results of the 9th annual of The Competition for the Best Dissertation defended in 2020:
Category 1: Economics and Finance
- 1st - Hana Dvořáčková
- 2nd - Dominika Polko-Zając
- 3rd - Adéla Špačková
Category 2: Raw Materials, Energy and Environment
- 1st - Andrzej Dzienia
- 2nd - Vladislav Svozilík
- 3rd - Wojciech Uchman
Category 3: Health and Applications in Healthcare
- 1st - Szymon Sieciński
- 2nd - not awarded
- 3rd - not awarded
Category 4: Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- No applications
Category 5: Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
- 1st - Liwia Sozańska-Jędrasik
- 2nd - Aleksandra Kozłowska
- 3rd - Rafał Dojka
The Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2020
VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava announced (in the framework consortium PROGRES 3) „The Competition for the best doctoral dissertation defended in 2020".
- Economics, Finance and Management
- Raw Materials, Energy and the Environment
- Health and Applications in Healthcare
- Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
The competition will take place in two rounds.
- Registered dissertation must be defended in the period from 1. 1. 2020 to 31. 12. 2020.
- Must be submitted:
- Application form - signed (scan)
- An electronic version of the dissertation (format .pdf, or .docx)
- An electronic version of the summary of the dissertation in English language (format .pdf, or .docx)
Prizes and awards
- Each of the category winners, whose work is placed on 1st place in category will receive a cash prize of 7.000, - CZK and diploma.
- The authors of dissertations on the 2nd or 3rd place in the category will receive a diploma
- Authors whose dissertation participate in the second round but not placed will receive a certificate for participating their dissertation in the final round of the competition.
The application form, the dissertation and its summary must be sent to competition administrator email: up to 21. 6. 2021 (including).
University administrators will announce the administrator of the competition () the names and contacts of committee members for the second round up to 21. 6. 2021. In the individual categories, each university may have one representative with respect to the specific specialization the university. It is not necessary to have a representative in each category.
The administrator of the competition:
Ing. Lukáš Kubáč
Management of science and research (9320)
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2020 (EN)(update)
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2020 (CZ)(update)
- Application form of Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2020
Results of the Competition for The Best Progres 3 Master Thesis Award 2019
Results of the Competition for The Best Progres 3 Master Thesis Award 2019 organised by Silesian University of Technology are as follows:
Economics and Finance
- No applications
Raw Materials, Energy and Environment
- 1st - Piotr Wiśniewski
- 2nd - Mateusz Kochel
Health and Applications in Healthcare
- 1st - Agata Sage
- 2nd - Anna Taratuta
- 3rd - Klara Kozelska
- 4th - Veronika Vasendova
Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- 1st - Aleksandra Suwalska
- 2nd - Radek Svoboda
- 3 rd - Kamil Książek
Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
- 1st - Marta Wala
Each of these winners (1st place) will be awarded with financial prize – 1000 PLN. Best 3 theses in each category will be awarded with diplomas.
The Best PROGRES3 Master Thesis Award 2019
„The Best PROGRES 3 Master Thesis Award 2019” organised by Silesian University of Technology.
The theses may be submitted in the following categories:
- Economics and Finance,
- Raw Materials, Energy and Environment,
- Health and Applications in Healthcare,
- Information Technology and Electrical Engineering,
- Competitive Engineering and Materials Research.
Submitted master theses must be defended in the period of 01.01 – 31.12.2019.
One thesis in each category will be awarded with financial prize (1000 PLN). Best 3 theses in each category will be awarded with diplomas.
Please find attached the conditions of the competition, the application form and the cover sheet - only as an example.
The application form, the master thesis and the abstract must be send to the International Relations Office up to 15.05.2020 (including), to the following email address:
In case of any questions please contact:
Agata Kociszewska
International Relations Office
Silesian University of Technology
ul.Akademicka 2a
44-100 Gliwice, Poland
e-mail: , tel.: +48 32 237 19 44
Master Thesis Competition Award 2019
Results of The Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2019
The results of the 8th annual of The Competition for the Best Dissertation, which took place on 13 March 2020 at the VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, are as follows:
- Category 1: Economics, Finance and Management
1st - Sasan Barak (VŠB-TUO) - Technical and Fundamental Features analysis for Stock Market Prediction with Data Mining Methods
- Category 2: Raw Materials, Energy and the Environment
1st - Karolina Petela (SUT) - Analysis of solar energy application into hybrid heat nodes
- Category 3: Health and Applications in Healthcare
1st - Radana Kahánková (VŠB-TUO) - Advanced Signal Processing Methods for Non-invasive Fetal Electrocardiogram Extraction
- Category 4: Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
1st - Petr Lukáš (VŠB-TUO) – Structural XML Query Processing
- Category 5: Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
1st - Michal Jambor (University of Žilina) - Characterization of the precipitation processes in the modern Al-Li alloys
Each of these winners will receive 7.000 CZK and also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB -TUO, which will be held in the hall of of the New Auditorium (Nová Aula NA1) at the Technical University of Ostrava (Event date yet to be determined after measures against against coronavirus)
Complete results of the competition - PDF
The Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2019
VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava announced (in the framework consortium PROGRES 3) „The Competition for the best doctoral dissertation defended in 2019".
- Economics, Finance and Management
- Raw Materials, Energy and the Environment
- Health and Applications in Healthcare
- Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
The competition will take place in two rounds.
- Registered dissertation must be defended in the period from 1. 1. 2019 to 31. 12. 2019.
- Must be submitted:
- Application form
- A printed version of the dissertation (sufficient eg. spiral binding).
- An electronic version of the dissertation (format .pdf, or .docx)
- A printed version of the summary of the dissertation in English language
- An electronic version of the summary of the dissertation in English language (format .pdf, or .docx)
Prizes and awards
- Each of the category winners, whose work is placed on 1st place in category will receive a cash prize of 7.000, - CZK.
These winners will also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB – TUO, which will be held on 26. 3. 2020 - The authors of dissertations on the 2nd or 3rd place in the category will receive a diploma
- Authors whose dissertation participate in the second round but not placed will receive a certificate for participating their dissertation in the final round of the competition.
The application form, the dissertation and its summary must be submitted to the competition administrator up to 3. 3. 2020 (including).
University administrators will announce the administrator of the competition () the names of committee members for the second round up to 3. 3. 2020. In the individual categories, each university may have one representative with respect to the specific specialization the university. It is not necessary to have a representative in each category.
The administrator of the competition:
Ing. Lukáš Kubáč
Management of science and research (9320)
17. listopadu 2172/15
708 00 Ostrava – Poruba
Czech Republic
Prizes and awards
- Each of the category winners, whose work is placed on the 1st place in category, will receive a cash prize of 7.000, - CZK.
These winners will also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB-TU Ostrava, which will be held on 26. 3. 2020 - The authors of dissertations on the 2nd or 3rd place in each category will receive diplomas.
- Authors, whose dissertation participated in the second round but were not placed at the 1.-3. positions, will receive a certificate of participating in the competition.
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2019 (EN)
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2019 (CZ)
- Application form of Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2019
Results of the Competition for The Best Progres 3 Master Thesis Award
Results of the Competition for The Best Progres 3 Master Thesis Award organised by Silesian University of Technology are as follows:
Economics and Finance
- No applications
Raw Materials, Energy and Environment
- 1st - Mikołaj Mastrowski
- 2nd - Matěj Křístek
- 3rd - Lukáš Procházka
- 4nd - Agnieszka Piotrowska
Health and Applications in Healthcare
- 1st - Kateřina Šimečková
- 2nd - Patrycja Romaniszyn
- 3 rd - Ada Orłowska
Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- 1st - Hikmat Dashdamirov
Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
- 1st - Anita Kajzer
- 2nd - Marek Soczyński
- 3 rd - Karel Janečka
Each of these winners (1st place) will be awarded with financial prize – 1000 PLN. Best 3 theses in each category will be awarded with diplomas.
The Best PROGRES3 Master Thesis Award 2018
„The Best PROGRES 3 Master Thesis Award 2018” organised by Silesian University of Technology.
The theses may be submitted in the following categories:
- Economics and Finance,
- Raw Materials, Energy and Environment,
- Health and Applications in Healthcare,
- Information Technology and Electrical Engineering,
- Competitive Engineering and Materials Research.
Submitted master theses must be defended in the period of 01.01 – 31.12.2018.
One thesis in each category will be awarded with financial prize (1000 PLN). Best 3 theses in each category will be awarded with diplomas.
Please find attached the conditions of the competition, the application form and the cover sheet - only as an example.
The application form, the master thesis and the abstract must be send to the International Relations Office up to 15.04.2019 (including), to the following email address:
In case of any questions please contact:
Agata Kociszewska
International Relations Office
Silesian University of Technology
ul.Akademicka 2a
44-100 Gliwice, Poland
e-mail: , tel.: +48 32 237 19 44
Master Thesis Competition Award
Results of The Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2018
The results of the 7th annual of The Competition for the Best Dissertation, which took place on 8 March 2019 at the VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, are as follows:
- Category 1: Economics, Finance and Management
1st - Grzegorz Krawczyk (UE Katowice) - Impact of Public Procurement System on the Functioning of Transport Market in Poland
- Category 2: Raw Materials, Energy and the Environment
1st - Marcel Mikeska (VŠB-TUO) - Application of organically modified vermiculite for sorption of pollutants
- Category 3: Health and Applications in Healthcare
1st - Jiří Prokop (OU) - Measurement of Breast Tissue Stiffness – Examination Technique Increasing the Effectiveness of Secondary Prevention of Breast Cancer
- Category 4: Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
1st - Tomáš Martinovič (VŠB-TUO) – Tools for time series analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems
- Category 5: Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
1st - Josef Hlinka (VŠB-TUO) - Testing and evaluation of corrosion resistance of selected metallic biomaterial and their surface treatment
& - Denisa Závodská (University of Žilina) - Fatigue properties of AlZn10Si8Mg alloy with different Fe content
Each of these winners will receive 7.000 CZK and also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB -TUO, which will be held on 28.3.2019 from 10:00 in the hall of of the New Auditorium (Nová Aula NA1) at the Technical University of Ostrava.
Complete results of the competition - PDF
Evaluation of dissertations in the 2nd round of The Competition for the Best Dissertation defended in 2018
[This information is intended for committee members only]
The Commission will meet for assessing levels of dissertations at VSB-Technical university of Ostrava on 8. 3. 2018, at 10:30 pm.
Place: Vysoká škola báňská – Technická universita Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2172, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba; New Auditorium – room NA 178 (see map in attached).
10:30 – 10:50 Registration and refreshments before starting
10:50 – 11:00 Introduction
11:00 – 11:45 Evaluation in categories
11:45 – 11:50 Announcement of winners
11:50 – 12:00 Discussion
12:00 Lunch
For more information see the document attached: Program of the competition
The Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2018
VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava announced (in the framework consortium PROGRES 3) „The Competition for the best doctoral dissertation defended in 2018".
- Economics, Finance and Management
- Raw materials, energy and the environment
- Health and applications in healthcare
- Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
The competition will take place in two rounds.
- Registered dissertation must be defended in the period from 1. 1. 2018 to 31. 12. 2018. (In exceptional cases, the work can be defended in December 2017).
- Must be submitted:
- Application form
- A printed version of the dissertation (sufficient eg. spiral binding).
- An electronic version of the dissertation (format .pdf, or .docx)
- A printed version of the summary of the dissertation in English language
- An electronic version of the summary of the dissertation in English language (format .pdf, or .docx)
Prizes and awards
- Each of the category winners, whose work is placed on 1st place in category will receive a cash prize of 7.000, - CZK.
These winners will also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB – TUO, which will be held on 28. 3. 2019 - The authors of dissertations on the 2nd or 3rd place in the category will receive a diploma
- Authors whose dissertation participate in the second round but not placed will receive a certificate for participating their dissertation in the final round of the competition.
The application form, the dissertation and its summary must be submitted to the competition administrator up to 22. 2. 2019 (including).
University administrators will announce the administrator of the competition () the names of committee members for the second round up to 22. 2. 2019. In the individual categories, each university may have one representative with respect to the specific specialization the university. It is not necessary to have a representative in each category.
The administrator of the competition:
Ing. Lukáš Kubáč
Management of science and research (9320)
17. listopadu 2172/15
708 00 Ostrava – Poruba
Czech Republic
Prizes and awards
- Each of the category winners, whose work is placed on the 1st place in category, will receive a cash prize of 7.000, - CZK.
These winners will also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB-TU Ostrava, which will be held on 28. 3. 2019 - The authors of dissertations on the 2nd or 3rd place in each category will receive diplomas.
- Authors, whose dissertation participated in the second round but were not placed at the 1.-3. positions, will receive a certificate of participating in the competition.
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2018 (EN)
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2018 (CZ)
- Application form of Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2018
Results of the Competition for The Best Progres 3 Master Thesis Award
Results of the Competition for The Best Progres 3 Master Thesis Award organised by Silesian University of Technology are as follows:
Economics and Finance
- 1st - Nicola Rusková - Silesian University in Opava
- 2nd - Michal Budinský – Matej Bel University
Raw Materials, Energy and Environment
- 1st - Jakub Bodys – Silesian University of Technology
- 2nd - Jana Fojtášková - VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava
- 3rd - Joanna Wnorowska - Silesian University of Technology
Health and Applications in Healthcare
- 1st - Kamila Dydlińska - Silesian University of Technology
- 2nd - Michał Surowiec - Silesian University of Technology
- 3rd - Martin Stonavsky - University of Ostrava
- 4th - Zdeněk Bušina - University of Ostrava
Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- 1st - Krzysztof Kubiczek - Silesian University of Technology
- 2nd - Grzegorz Jakubiec - Silesian University of Technology
Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
- 1st - Paulina Cieśla - Silesian University of Technology
- 2nd - Elżbieta Wysłucha - Silesian University of Technology
Awards ceremony will be held as a part of the Closing Session of the BIN@Gliwice conference on 3th July 2018 on 13:45 at Education and Congress Centre at Silesian University of Technology.
Contact: Marianna Zając, International Relations Office, Silesian University of Technology, ul. Akademicka 2a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland (
Results of The Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2017
The results of the 6th annual of The Competition for the Best Dissertation, which took place on 9 March 2018 at the VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, are as follows:
- Category: Economics and finance
1st - Dominik Kudyba (UE Katowice) – Electricity demand modelling in market liberalization conditions
- Category: Raw materials, energy and the environment
1st - Zuzana Mrázková (VŠB-TUO) - Modeling and characterization of materials and nanostructures for photovoltaic applications
- Category: Health and applications in healthcare
1st - František Tomeček (VŠB-TUO) - Arrangement for hypothermia application
- Category: Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
1st - Jan Zapletal (VŠB-TUO) – The Boundary Element Method for Shape Optimization in 3D
- Category: Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
1st - Karolina Dudek (US Katowice) - Structure and characteristics of multifunctional layers on the NiTi shape memory alloy
Each of these winners will receive 7.000 CZK and also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB -TUO, which will be held on 28.3.2018 from 10:00 in the hall of of the New Auditorium (Nová Aula NA1) at the Technical University of Ostrava.
Complete results of the competition - PDF
The Best PROGRES3 Master Thesis Award 2017
„The Best PROGRES 3 Master Thesis Award 2017” organised by Silesian University of Technology.
The theses may be submitted in the following categories:
- Economics and Finance,
- Raw Materials, Energy and Environment,
- Health and Applications in Healthcare,
- Information Technology and Electrical Engineering,
- Competitive Engineering and Materials Research.
Submitted master theses must be defended in the period of 01.01 – 31.12.2017.
One thesis in each category will be awarded with financial prize (1000 PLN). Best 3 theses in each category will be awarded with diplomas.
Please find attached the conditions of the competition, the application form and the cover sheet - only as an example.
The application form, the master thesis and the abstract must be send to the International Relations Office up to 31. 03. 2018 (including), to the following email address:
In case of any questions please contact:
Marianna Zając
International Relations Office
Silesian University of Technology
ul.Akademicka 2a
44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Master Thesis Competition Award
Polish-Slovak Interreg held in Bielsko-Biała
Szanowni Państwo,
Regionalny Punkt Kontaktowy w województwie śląskim, zaprasza na spotkanie informacyjne nt. 3. osi priorytetowej Programu Interreg Polska – Słowacja: Rozwój edukacji transgranicznej i uczenia się przez całe życie, które skierowane jest do potencjalnych wnioskodawców z województwa śląskiego. Spotkanie odbędzie się 19 stycznia br. w Starostwie Powiatowym w Bielsku-Białej. Do udziału zapraszamy potencjalnych beneficjentów, przedstawicieli instytucji z terenu województwa śląskiego, które są zainteresowane nawiązaniem i rozwijaniem współpracy z partnerami słowackimi w dziedzinie edukacji i uczenia się przez całe życie. Partnerami projektu dofinansowanego w ramach Programu mogą być instytucje, których podstawową działalnością nie jest działalność o charakterze komercyjnym, np. organy administracji rządowej i samorządowej, ich związki i stowarzyszenia, jednostki ustanowione przez państwo lub samorząd w celu zapewnienia usług publicznych, instytucje systemu oświaty i szkoły wyższe, jednostki naukowe, organizacje pozarządowe non-profit, Europejskie Ugrupowania Współpracy Terytorialnej, placówki kształcenia zawodowego. Listę kwalifikowalnych wnioskodawców zawiera załącznik nr 1 do Podręcznika beneficjenta.
Spotkanie stanowi okazję do uzyskania przydatnych informacji w związku z 2. naborem projektów standardowych z dziedziny edukacji transgranicznej i uczenia się przez całe życie, który planowany jest na marzec/kwiecień br.
Uczestnicy dowiedzą się na co zwrócić szczególną uwagę przygotowując i składając zarówno projekt standardowy jaki i mikroprojekt, przedstawione zostaną zagadnienia związane z kwalifikowalnością budżetu i wydatków, przykłady dobrych praktyk oraz informacje dotyczące działań możliwych do realizacji w 3. osi priorytetowej programu Interreg Polska-Słowacja.
Na uwagę zasługuje szerokie spektrum działań, które mogą zostać ujęte w transgranicznych projektach: od opracowania wspólnych transgranicznych programów i inicjatyw dla uczniów i nauczycieli (np.: staże, praktyki zawodowe, programy pilotażowe i stypendialne, wizyty studyjne), przez realizację transgranicznych działań wspierających tzw. włączenie społeczne, wspólne opracowanie i promocję edukacji specjalistycznej i zawodowej po transgraniczną wymianę dobrych praktyk czy identyfikację wspólnych problemów i luk w ofercie edukacyjnej…
Bezpośrednio po spotkaniu istnieje możliwość konsultacji propozycji projektowych po uprzednim zgłoszeniu informacji na formularzu rejestracyjnym (wypełnienie pola: Uwagi)
Osoby zainteresowane udziałem w spotkaniu proszone są o rejestrację elektroniczną w terminie do 16 stycznia 2018 r. Informacje o spotkaniu, program oraz formularz rejestracyjny dostępne są na stronie
Zapraszamy do udziału!
Bożena Mendrek-Gańczarczyk
Główny specjalista
Referat Europejskiej Współpracy Terytorialnej
Regionalny Punkt Kontaktowy Programu Interreg Polska-Słowacja
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Śląskiego
Międzywydziałowy Zespół Zadaniowy w Bielsku-Białej
Wydział Rozwoju Regionalnego
Adres siedziby: ul. Piastowska 40, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała
Adres korespondencyjny: ul. Ligonia 46, 40-037 Katowice
Tel. +48 33 48 53 284;
Attachment: Program spotkania Interreg PL-SK 19.01.2018.pdf
Invitation for seminars in Gliwice
We would like to invite you for some upcoming seminars and workshops held in Gliwice in January 2018.
Please find below brief information on:
- Seminar on the call for the RISE projects:
- Seminar on the new EC programme 2020-2027:
- Seminar on the IP rights (program in attachment):,58,19319,7,index,pl,text/
All the mentioned seminars are delivered in polish language, all are free of charge and all need pre-registration (using the form on the website).
Do not hesitate to contact International Relations Office in case of any additional questions or doubts.
International Relations Office Team
Silesian University of Technology
Akademicka 2A str.
44-100 Gliwice
Attachment: 5a - Program Roving Seminars in Poland 2018- rev RF.docx
The Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2017
VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava announced (in the framework consortium PROGRES 3) „The Competition for the best doctoral dissertation defended in 2017".
- Economics and finance
- Raw materials, energy and the environment
- Health and applications in healthcare
- Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- Competitive Engineering and Materials Research
The competition will take place in two rounds.
- Registered dissertation must be defended in the period from 1. 1. 2017 to 31. 12. 2017. (In exceptional cases, the work can be defended in December 2016).
- Must be submitted:
- Application form
- A printed version of the dissertation (sufficient eg. spiral binding).
- An electronic version of the dissertation (format .pdf, or .docx)
- A printed version of the summary of the dissertation in English language
- An electronic version of the summary of the dissertation in English language (format .pdf, or .docx)
Prizes and awards
- Each of the category winners, whose work is placed on 1st place in category will receive a cash prize of 7.000, - CZK.
These winners will also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB – TUO, which will be held on 28. 3. 2018 - The authors of dissertations on the 2nd or 3rd place in the category will receive a diploma
- Authors whose dissertation participate in the second round but not placed will receive a certificate for participating their dissertation in the final round of the competition.
The application form, the dissertation and its summary must be submitted to the competition administrator up to 22. 2. 2018 (including).
University administrators will announce the administrator of the competition () the names of committee members for the second round up to 22. 2. 2018. In the individual categories, each university may have one representative with respect to the specific specialization the university. It is not necessary to have a representative in each category.
The administrator of the competition:
Ing. Lukáš Kubáč
Management of science and research (9320)
17. listopadu 15/2172
708 33 Ostrava – Poruba
Czech Republic
Prizes and awards
- Each of the category winners, whose work is placed on the 1st place in category, will receive a cash prize of 7.000, - CZK.
These winners will also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB-TU Ostrava, which will be held on 28. 3. 2018 - The authors of dissertations on the 2nd or 3rd place in each category will receive diplomas.
- Authors, whose dissertation participated in the second round but were not placed at the 1.-3. positions, will receive a certificate of participating in the competition.
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2017 (EN)
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2017 (CZ)
- Application form of Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2017
PROGRES 3 Consortium Board meeting in Gliwice
PROGRES 3 Consortium Board meeting, consisting of 15 universities from Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia, took place at the Silesian University of Technology on 17th of February 2017. The participants discussed about joint ventures in the field of consolidation of universities’ potential, joint application for international projects, organization of summer schools and competitions for the best master and doctoral thesis.
The meeting of the International Progres 3 Consortium Board, whose President since May 2016 is vice rector for science and development Professor Marek Pawełczyk, was opened by Rector of SUT, Professor Arkadiusz Mężyk. One of the important points of the meeting was presentation of the Czestochowa University of Technology. Czestochowa University of Technology was established in 1949 as Engineering School with one Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The presentation was lead by Professor Jerzy Wysłocki – vice rector for science. The presentation was followed by voting which resulted in unanimous accepting of Czestochowa University of Technology into the Progres 3 Consortium.
Once voting has ended the chairman Prof. Marek Pawełczyk elaborated on a plenary conference that is going to be organized at Silesian University of Technology in October 2017. The goal of the conference is to present activity of the 34 expert groups functioning within Progres 3 Consortium. Katarzyna Tobór-Osadnik, PhD eng. from SUT and Anna Jasińska-Biliczak PhD, from Opole University of Technology presented activities, achievements and successes of two of the expert groups. The meeting ended with a presentation by Katarzyna Markiewicz-Śliwa from Projects Management Center at SUT. The presentation concerned applying for the HR Excellence in Research Logo.
Actual list of thematic project groups (PDF) [docx version here]
Presentation about HR Excellence presented during the meeting
Results of The Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2016
The results of the 5th annual of The Competition for the Best Dissertation, which took place on 10 March 2017 at the Technical University of Ostrava, are as follows:
- Category: Economics and finance
1st - Rafał Buła (UE Katowice)- Implications of the fractal market theory for the assessment of financial investment risk
- Category: Raw materials, energy and the environment
1st - Ladislav Šigut (University of Ostrava)- Analysis of dynamics of net ecosystem exchange and gross primary production estimated by eddy covariance method in forest ecosystems in the Czech Republic
- Category: Health and applications in healthcare
1st - Franciszek Binczyk (SUT) - Processing and analysis of data obtained using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance technology in the diagnosis and treatment of brain tumours
- Category: Information Technology
1st - Not awarded
- Category: Competitive Engineering, Materials Research
1st - Marek Gebauer (VŠB-TUO) - Study of New Way of Cooling Brakes for Racing Car
Each of these winners will receive 7.000 CZK and also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB -TUO, which will be held on 28.3.2017 from 10:00 in the hall of of the New Auditorium (Nová Aula NA1) at the Technical University of Ostrava.
Complete results of the competition - PDF
List of all dissertation in final - PDF
Photo gallery from competition meeting - here
Evaluation of dissertations in the 2nd round of The Competition for the Best Dissertation defended in 2016
[This information is intended for committee members]
The Commission will meet for assessing levels of dissertations at VSB-Technical university of Ostrava on 10. 3. 2017 at 10 pm.
Place: Vysoká škola báňská – Technická universita Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2172, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba; New Auditorium – room NA 178 (see map in attached).
10:00 – 10:20 Registration and refreshments before starting
10:20 to 10:30 Introduction
10:30 to 11:30 Evaluation in categories
11:30 to 11:45 Final selection of the best dissertations
11:45 to 12:00 Announcement of winners
12:00 - Lunch
For more information see the document attached: Program of the competition
The Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2016
VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava announced (in the framework consortium PROGRES 3) „The Competition for the best doctoral dissertation defended in 2016".
- Economics and finance
- Raw materials, energy and the environment
- Health and applications in healthcare
- Information Technology
- Competitive Engineering, Materials Research
The competition will take place in two rounds.
- Registered dissertation must be defended in the period from 1. 1. 2016 to 31. 12. 2016. (In exceptional cases, the work can be defended in December 2015).
- Must be submitted:
- application form
- a printed version of the dissertation (sufficient eg. spiral binding).
- An electronic version of the dissertation (format .pdf, or .docx)
- a printed version of the summary of the dissertation in English language
- An electronic version of the summary of the dissertation in English language (format .pdf, or .docx)
Prizes and awards
- Each of the category winners, whose work is placed on 1st place in category will receive a cash prize of 7.000, - CZK.
These winners will also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB – TUO, which will be held on 28. 3. 2017 - The authors of dissertations on the 2nd or 3rd place in the category will receive a diploma
- Authors whose dissertation participate in the second round but not placed will receive a certificate for participating their dissertation in the final round of the competition.
Application forms together with mandatory attachments must be delivered the contest administrator up to 22. 2. 2017 (including).
Administrators of the consortium PROGRESS 3 from the participating universities, please send me the names and contacts of members to the expert committee for your university (also into 22. 2. 2017), who will attend 2nd round selection at the Technical University of Ostrava on 10 March 2017.
The administrator of the competition:
Ing. Lukáš Kubáč
Management of science and research (9320)
17. listopadu 15
708 33 Ostrava – Poruba
Czech Republic
Prizes and awards
- Each of the category winners, whose work is placed on 1st place in category will receive a cash prize of 7.000, - CZK.
These winners will also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB – TUO, which will be held on 28. 3. 2017 - The authors of dissertations on the 2nd or 3rd place in the category will receive a diploma
- Authors whose dissertation participate in the second round but not placed will receive a certificate for participating their dissertation in the final round of the competition.
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2016 (EN)
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2016 (CZ)
- Application form of Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2016
Visegrad Fund - partnersearch
Dear Madam/Sir,
on behalf of PROGRES3 consortium we would like to submit a Visegrad Fund proposal focused on transfer of knowledge and exchange of experience between researchers within V4 countries. Under Visegrad Fund proposal we would like to organize a V4 Collaboration week (4 day event) focused on knowledge transfer and new collaboration topics identification in the field of biotechnology, IT and environment.
We would like to involve partners from PROGRES3 consortium and other institutions from Hungary and Poland. Proposal will be submitted in December 2016.
Please find attached brief summary of our project proposal. If you are interested in participation, please let us know.
Best regards
Lukáš Straňák/Alena Cibulcová
Department for Science and Research
T: +420 597 094 008/ +420 597 094 004
University of Ostrava
Dvořákova 7 / 701 03 Ostrava / Czech Republic
New chairman of the Consortium PROGRES 3
prof. dr hab. inż. Marek Pawełczyk, Vice-Rector for Research and Development at Silesian University of Technology was unanimously elected the new Chairman during the Consortium Board Meeting on 10 May 2016 in Opole.
Consortium meeting on May 10
On behalf of the Chairman of the consortium Progress 3 prof. Krzysztof Malik, cordially invite you to a meeting of the consortium on 10 May (Tuesday) at 11 am, at the address:Opole University of Technology, Prószkowska 76, building 9 - Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, room no. 30.
The program will include:
- The report on the activities of current term
- Presentations Państwowej Wyższej szkole Zawodowej w Raciborzu (PWSZ)
- Voting on the adoption PWSZ w Raciborzu into partner universities in the Consortium
- Election of the new Chairman of the Consortium
- Various reports
Results of The Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2015
The results of the 4th annual of The Competition for the Best Dissertation, which took place on 13 March 2016 at the Technical University of Ostrava, are as follows:
- Category: Economics and finance
1st - Marco Cassader (VŠB-TUO) - Benchmark tracking portfolio problems with stochastic ordering constraints
- Category: Raw materials, energy and the environment
1st - Karina Kocot (US Katowice) - Microextraction in preconcentration and determination of trace metal ions by X-ray fluorescence techniques
- Category: Health and applications in healthcare
1st - Anna Mielańczyk (SUT) - Research on synthesis of star-shaped copolymers with D-glucopyranoside-centered core and their modification in order to conjugate fluorogenic compounds
- Category: Information Technology
1st - Daniel Benedikovič (University of Žilina) - Subwavelength index engineered surface grating couplers for applications in silicon photonics telecom and datacom optical interconnects
- Category: Competitive Engineering, Materials Research
1st - Jan Holešinský (VŠB-TUO) - Microstructural stability and heat resistance of steels for energy industry
Each of these winners will receive 7.000 CZK and also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB -TUO, which will be held on 1.4.2016 from 10:00 in the hall of of the New Auditorium (Nová Aula NA1) at the Technical University of Ostrava.
Complete results of the competition - PDF
Please read: Change in evaluation - PDF
List of all dissertation in final - PDF
Evaluation of dissertations in the 2nd round of The Competition for the Best Dissertation defended in 2015
[This information is intended for committee members]
The Commission will meet for assessing levels of dissertations at VSB-Technical university of Ostrava on 11. 3. 2016 at 10 pm.
Place: Vysoká škola báňská – Technická universita Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2172, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba; New Auditorium – room NA 178 (see map in attached).
10:00 – 10:20 Registration and refreshments before starting
10:20 to 10:30 Introduction
10:30 to 11:30 Evaluation in categories
11:30 to 11:45 Final selection of the best dissertations
11:45 to 12:00 Announcement of winners
12:00 - Lunch
For more information see the document attached: Program of the competition
The Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2015
VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava announced (in the framework consortium PROGRES 3) „The Competition for the best doctoral dissertation defended in 2015".
- Economics and finance
- Raw materials, energy and the environment
- Health and applications in healthcare
- Information Technology
- Competitive Engineering, Materials Research
The competition will take place in two rounds.
- Registered dissertation must be defended in the period from 1. 1. 2015 to 31. 12. 2015. (In exceptional cases, the work can be defended in December 2014).
- Must be submitted:
- application form
- a printed version of the dissertation (sufficient eg. spiral binding).
- An electronic version of the dissertation (format .pdf, or .docx)
- a printed version of the PhD thesis summary in English language
- An electronic version of the PhD thesis summary in English language (format .pdf, or .docx)
Application form, the dissertation and the PhD thesis must be submitted to the administrator of the competition into the 22. 2. 2016.
The administrator of the competition:
Ing. Lukáš Kubáč
Management of science and research (9320)
17. listopadu 15
708 33 Ostrava – Poruba
Czech Republic
Administrators of the consortium PROGRESS 3 report into the 22. 2. 2016 on VSB-TUO (Ing. Kubáč) one expert into the commission for each category (according to the competencies and specializations your university).
Prizes and awards
According to the placement belong to the authors of the winning works prize money: 1st place - 25.000,- CZK; 2nd place - 20.000,- CZK; 3rd place - 15.000,- CZK; 4th place - 10.000,- CZK; 5th place - 5.000,- CZK
Attention a change of prize money: 1st place - 15.000,- CZK; 2nd place - 10.000,- CZK; 3rd place - 5.000,- CZK; 4th place - 3.000,- CZK; 5th place - 1.000,- CZK
Winners will also receive a diploma at the ceremony of the Scientific Board of VSB - TUO, which will be held on 1. 4. 2016
- The conditions of competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2015
- Application form of Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2015
Summer School Of Energy - Invitation
13th - 17th July, 2015
Hotel Ráztoka, Trojanovice 364, 744 01 Trojanovice, Czech Republic
The Summer school of energy is held under the auspices of prof. Ing. Dagmar Juchelková, Ph.D..
On the symposium will be presented the selected topics from the area of the energy and environment.
General Program:
- Lectures professionals from practice
- Workshop - How to appear before the scientific community.
- A discussion evenings with practical demonstration
- Excursion
The summer school is intended primarily for PhD students, post-doc and young teachers and researchers.
The participant can introduce own lecture in the term energy and environment.
The Organizing Committee: Ing. Veronika Sassmanová, Ph.D. (e-mail: , tel.: +420 597 329 451)
Participation in the school is conditional on to mandatory logging in to the following e-mail address.
Entrance for participants of the symposium is 1816,- CZK or 65 EUR per day/night (It is possible sign in only one day).
In the entrance is guaranteed the accommodation, meals and training materials.
The cost related to transport is paid by the participants themselves.
Program: The program of the symposium will be specified in advance.
Language of the school: English, Czech.
Registration: Participants must send their application to the symposium until 8th July, 2015 on this contact e-mail address
Accommodation: The accommodation costs are including in the price of entrance.
Transport: The transport is not guaranteed and paid by VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava
Take with you sportswear. Every day we prepare some sports activities. This action does not require a suit and evening dress. Casual clothes themselves.
Introduction to High Performance Computing
The VŠB preparing event "Introduction to High Performance Computing". It will be a presentation of
research projects IT4Inovations National Supercomputing Center, include visit of the building and look at the supercomputer.
The event will be held June 23 at the VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava.
This event should include the a tour of the building of the national supercomputing center and a preview of the supercomputer.
After the introduction of the National Supercomputing Center in case of interest is the possibility to also visit and see a variety of
laboratories Regional materials science and technology centre, or laboratory for of radiofrequency identification RFID ILAB.
If your university has an interest, please contact me: Lukáš Kubáč, VŠB- Technical University of Ostrava, e-mail:
NanoOstrava 2015 - 4th Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Meeting
Centrum nanotechnologií, VŠB-TU Ostrava pořádalo ve dnech 18. – 21. 5. 2015 čtvrtý ročník mezinárodní vědecké konference NanoOstrava 2015, jež byla opět místem pro setkání a rozhovory mezi vědci, studenty a zástupci firem se zájmem o rozvoj v oblastech nanomateriálů a nanotechnologií. Konference byla zaměřena na nejnovější pokroky a výsledky výzkumu týkající se nanomateriálů pro medicínu, pokročilých nanomateriálů, nanomateriálů pro elektronická zařízení, nanokompozitů či nanouhlíkatých materiálů.
Dne 20. května 2015 proběhla v rámci konsorcia PROGRES 3 soutěž o tři nejlepší studentské postery. Na třetím místě se umístil Bc. Pavel Beránek z Univerzity Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem s posterem na téma „Phase separation of semiflexiblediblock copolymer melt: insight from mesoscale modelling”. Druhé místo obsadila Gunta Kunakova z Lotyšska (University of Latvia, Institute of Chemical Physics) s posterem na téma „Characteristics of the Bi2S3 nanowire surface promoted properties“. Vítězné první místo patřilo Ing. Martě Natšinové z Centra nanotechnologií, VŠB-TU Ostrava za poster na téma „Phytosynthesis of gold nanoparticles using medicinal plants“. Tito studenti obdrželi věcné a finanční ceny.
Results of The Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2014
The results of the 3rd annual of The Competition for the Best Dissertation, which took place on 13 March 2015 at the Technical University of Ostrava, are as follows:
1st - Libor Trško - Gigacycle fatigue properties of materials with nanostructured surface obtained by severe shot peening
2nd - Stanislav Böhm - Unifying framework for development of message-passing applications
3rd - Veronika Sassmanová- Possibilities of Utilization of Pyrolysis process in the Certain Materials Unit
4th - František Zapletal - Design and verification of the optimization economic-ecological model for a steel company under uncertainty
[Complete results and a list of works - PDF]
Conference materials - 28.01.2015
Fourteen Association of universities from Polish, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, chaired by Vice-Rector of Investment and Development Opole University of Technology prof. Krzysztof Malik, plans to reach for the EU funds, together with the National Mining University in Dnepropetrovsk. Ukrainian partner will bring to the project experience in space research, nuclear and energy.
Working meeting on the possibilities of cooperation between the consortium and over a hundred years the university Dnieper, took place today in the second campus. The host, rector prof. Marek Tukiendorf called the findings of the November Forum of Rectors of Polish and Ukraine Technical Universities, in which the arm KRPUT signed a partnership agreement, i.a. with the University of Dnepropetrovsk.
The presentation of the National Mining University prof. Roman Dyczkowski presented in perfect Polish language. Next to the world-class scientific university is noteworthy that there is the largest in Ukraine center of Polish language teaching.
A guest at the conference was also mrs. Dominica Raróg-Oślizlok of the Regional Contact Point Silesian University of Technology, who presented the key assumptions of the Horizon 2020 program.
After the meeting, Prof. Dyczkowski met with students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics and Informatics, which gave a lecture on coal gasification technology.
Conference materials for download:
• presentation of prof. Roman Dyczkowski
• presentation mrs. Dominika Raróg-Oślizlok with RPK
New member of the consortium
Consortium Progres 3 was received the new university - Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica in Slovakia.
The contact person from the university is doc. Ing. Vanda Maráková, PhD., Vice-dean for International Relations, Faculty of Economics, e-mail:, tel : +421 48 446 21 78, fax: +421 48 446 20 00.
Brokerage Event Horizon 2020 Research, Development and Innovation
The summer school is intended primarily for PhD students, post-doc and young teachers and researchers. This workshop will be held on 19th and 22nd August 2014 in Hotel Buly Arena Kravaře Czech republic. The Summer school of energy is held under the auspices of prof. Ing. Dagmar Juchelková, Ph.D. and prof. Ing. Bohumír Strnadel, DrSc. On the symposium will be presented the selected topics from the area of the energy and environment. It is unique opportunity for meeting our young researcher and establishing new cooperation between them. In the annex is official invitation with more information
Tak jak uzgodniono na ostatnich kwietniowych obradach Konsorcjum Progres3 w dniu 20 maja na Politechnice Opolskiej zorganizowano zebranie inicjujące pracę zespołów roboczych przedstawicieli Uczelni zrzeszonych w Konsorcjum.
Tym razem jednak, udział w pracach trzech tematycznie powiązanych zespołów badawczych, wyłonionych w poprzednich obradach, wzięli naukowcy z 9 spośród 13 zrzeszonych w Konsorcjum Uczelni, którzy zostali oddelegowani przez swoich rektorów.
W czasie owocnych, a także burzliwych obrad, moderowanych przez prof. dr hab. Krzysztofa Malika (przewodniczącego Konsorcjum) wspólnie zweryfikowano i dokonano wyboru, spośród licznych tematów w ramach Programu Horyzont 2020, już te, w których Uczelnie będą aplikowały z wnioskami projektowymi o przyznanie środków finansowych w ramach tego Programu.
Pomocną radą i cennymi uwagami służyła nam pani Dominika Raróg-Oślizlok z Regionalnego Punktu Kontaktowego ds. Programów badawczych UE działającego przy Politechnice Śląskiej w Gliwicach.
Z optymistycznym nastawieniem, naukowcy opuścili mury Politechniki Opolskiej z licznymi pomysłami na ciekawe tematy i świadomością dalszych zadań wynikających z wymogów aplikacji projektowych do Programu H2020.
Zespoły projektowe Horyzont 2020 - nowe
23.04.2014 - Spotkanie robocze w Politechnice Opolskiej
Konkretnymi ustaleniami zakończyło się spotkanie przedstawicieli uczelni zrzeszonych w Konsorcjum Progres 3. Na roboczym spotkaniu, które odbyło się na Politechnice Opolskiej, wskazano osoby z poszczególnych uczelni, które w zaproponowanych już po ostatnim spotkaniu obszarach badawczych będą pracować nad wnioskami w ramach pozyskiwania środków z Horyzontu 2020.
- Spotkanie takie jak to jest szczególnie ważne, gdy chcemy razem wykorzystać pojawiające się szanse, jak na przykład w temacie energetyki. Sytuacja w Europie staje się skomplikowana, a nauka ma coraz więcej do powiedzenia – zwrócił uwagę obecnych rektor Politechniki Opolskiej prof. Marek Tukiendorf, witając przybyłych gości. Rektor Tukiendorf przypomniał, że 7 kwietnia na Politechnice Opolskiej odbył się Polsko-Portugalski szczyt energetyczny, na którym omawiano między innymi możliwość odwrócenia kierunku transferu gazu w Europie na kierunek Zachód-Wschód oraz możliwość partycypowania w gospodarowaniu energią w Europie. Zdaniem rektora Tukiendorfa uczelnie zrzeszone w Progres 3 powinny brać pod uwagę aktywność w tej dziedzinie.
Spotkanie poprowadził prof. Krzysztof Malik, prorektor ds. współpracy i rozwoju Politechniki Opolskiej, przewodniczący konsorcjum. Obszary badawcze zgłoszone przez uczelnie zostały przyporządkowane konkretnym zespołom, a te będą już teraz mogły opracowywać swoje pomysły, by razem składać projekty.
- My jako lider oczywiście będziemy te prace koordynować – mówił prof. Krzysztof Malik - Jestem przekonany, że po tak owocnym dzisiejszym inicjującym działania spotkaniu nastąpią kolejne.
Zgodnie z założeniami spotkania przedstawiciele uczelni zadeklarowali miejsce i terminy kolejnych spotkań konkretnych grup roboczych.
- Jestem optymistycznie nastawiony, bo jest dużo tematów, osób i ośrodków, które widzą możliwość współpracy – powiedział nam po spotkaniu prof. Jerzy Mościński z Politechniki Śląskiej. – Oby projekty, które opracujemy, dostały dofinansowanie.
Spotkania grup roboczych pracujących nad konkretnymi obszarami badawczymi dającymi możliwość wspólnego aplikowania po środki unijne odbywać się będą w maju i czerwcu.
Please complete the table of research plans and priority HORIZON 2020
Deadline is 15/03/2014
The finished table send
Consortium Board Meeting 24th February 2014 - Opole University of Technology
- It was a remarkably needed and fruitful meeting - agreed representatives of the fourteen Universities affiliated to the Consortium Progress 3, who met on February 24, at the Opole University of Technology.
Fourteen, because the Consortium Progress 3, associating Universities of Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, has expanded by welcoming the new member - The Academy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza.
The main theme behind the meeting was the possibility of reaching the Horizon 2020’s EU funds. One of the guests who attended the meeting was Ms. Karina Bedrunka, Director of the Operational Programmes Department in Self- Government of the Opole Voivodeship, who emphasized the importance of the current Progres 3 membership in terms of universities’ future activities in the coming years.
The meeting took a form of brainstorming. The Representatives of universities presented their key research areas and then worked together on creation the joint planes actions.
- This is an introduction for forming the research teams in specific areas that are part of the program Horizon 2020 - explains Prof. Krzysztof Malik, Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Development, Chairman of Consortium PROGRES 3. - Common teamwork will give us the opportunity to reach a big projects.
Participants has stressed the need for such an action. According to Prof. RNDr. Jiří Močkoř, Rector of the University of Ostrava, the Consortium has an advantage over the others, because there is no political or formal base.
- This meeting is very important because after the first phase of getting familiar with the members of the Consortium, now we have to define our goals - added Prof. Ivo Vondrák, Rector of Vysoká Školy Banská - Technical University of Ostrava.
Prof. Piotr Wieczorek, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, Opole University, noted that by creating the Consortium in 2011, universities have implemented an overtaking step, because in the current EU programming the emphasis lies on larger consortia, not on independent research projects. Platform Consortium Progress 3 may enable universities to apply for large international projects.
The Consortium meeting, which took place at the Opole University of Technology, stands for a great satisfaction for the University’s Rector, Prof. Marek Tukiendorf, who – as a host - also participated in the deliberations.
Read: Żywiołowe obrady Konsorcjum Progres 3 - Wiadomości Uczelniane Politechniki Opolskiej
Prof. Krzysztof MALIK, is the new Consortium PROGRES 3 Chairman
During the Consortium Board Meeting on 18 November 2013 in Ostrava the achievements of the Czech-Polish-Slovak academic network (13 universities) were presented, summing up 2 years of its existence. Moreover, the universities’ representatives discussed the consortium strategy for 2013-15.
Prof. Krzysztof Malik, Vice-rector for cooperation and development at Opole University of Technology was unanimously elected the new Chairman. At the same time our University became a coordinator of the consortium until 2015.
The honorary chairman of the consortium became Prof. Bohumír Strnadel, Vice-rector for science, research and doctoral studies at VSB Technical University of Ostrava.